
Slides and Notes from NetSquared Camp

Theo and I recently completed a research project regarding how NGOs can better perform on Facebook. I’ll be publishing an article about our research shortly, and will link to it from here.
In the meantime, here are the slides we presented on the research at NetSquared Camp. After the slides, you’ll find a few notes about the research which couldn’t fit into the article.

How NGOs win on Facebook from Darren Barefoot

Some other observations we made in our research (which are also in the slides, as it happens)

  • Likes are obviously more popular than comments, which in turn are more popular than shares. We found that for every one comment, there were there shares and 11 likes.
  • The top performing NGOs published once a day, seven days a week.
  • Hardly anybody ever uses Facebook Questions, Facebook’s poll feature. We encountered exactly two poll questions in the thousand-odd posts we examined.
  • The equation we used to measure engagement was:

    Engagement = Likes + (Comments * 2.5) + (Shares * 5)

    I conferred with a number of colleagues, and settled on these weightings. We all agreed that a comment was worth more than a like, and a share was worth more than a comment.

“Calculate It” image courtesy flickr user Dave Dugdale.


How NGOs Win with Facebook: Better Engagement in Five Easy Lessons


[…] can find the slides from our NetSquared Camp presentation here, along with a few insights that didn’t fit into this […]

More than Publicity: Promoting NGOs in Social Media | SCG Content 101


[…] […]

Net Squared Honolulu on Food Security | #hack(remix)


[…] presentation from Net Squared Vancouver that we had watched as a group a few hours before… ). One member quickly added the image above and we have plans to do a “what my friends think […]

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