
Client Plug: Our Marketing Campaign is a Series of Tubes

From Darren’s blog over at
Over the past month or so, we’ve been preparing a social media marketing campaign for ThoughtFarmer. ThoughtFarmer makes a simple-to-use wikified intranet solution.

We needed a good angle to promote their solution, and came up with a wacky idea:

After some brainstorming and false starts, we devised Tubetastic, a fake company with a fake logo, a fake org chart and, you guessed it, a fake intranet…

…We invented a fake tube manufacturing company called Tubetastic Inc. We created fake employee profiles for each influencer. Each profile is a sort of entry interview, with the answers coming from excerpts from their blogs and articles. We left one question unanswered, in the hopes that some folks might offer up their opinion.

That’s from a lengthy blog post (also cross-posted to OneDegree) I wrote up on the ThoughtFarmer blog. It goes into considerable detail about the intranet site we built and the snail mail packages we sent out. It also discusses our logic behind the campaign, and the risks we foresee. We even wrote a few Onionesque articles as recent Tubetastic news.

If you’d like to check out the Tubetastic intranet site, you just need to request access (trust me, there’s no spam risk–you’ll only get one email from ThoughtFarmer) and we’ll hook you up. I encourage you to check it out.

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