Seminar: Technical and Marketing Writing
Next Tuesday I’m going to be speaking on a panel for a combined meeting of the High Tech Communications Exchange and the Society for Technical Communication. Whew, that’s a couple of long society titles. Here’s the subject:
Technical Communication and Marketing Communication: Join us from 7:00-8:30 pm for an informal panel discussion about integrating the fields of marketing and technical communications. A panel of three speakers will be introduced by Catherine Ducharme and moderated by Rahel Bailie.
It would be of interest to anyone who is (or wants to be) a marketing or technical writer and wants to expand their purvue. It’s with some irony that I note that the HTCE site has entitled this seminar ‘The value of integrating technical and marketing communications’ while the STC just called it ‘Technical Communication and Marketing Communication’. That alone says a lot about difference between the two fields.